Tyaa Gn Liu, 2022

ecolagbohrsac2021 is an organization dedicated to the study and governance of the cumulus of transient folklore that underlie the fabric of our millennial world rife with angels, euphoric longings, demonic enchantment and research in meta-worldbuilding by tracing the origins of various virtualities embedded into the contemporary society through the ‘digital’.
In doing so, the council utilizes DarkNet curation markets of music production —in the style of occulted grime, medieval speedcore and horse-riding ambient—, cryptoeconomics, apparatuses that process signs, recompilation & pseudepigraphy, philosophy of the mind, phygital fashion, research in artificial intelligence, hyperreality, quantum physics, textual divinations and sonic experimentation.
It’s been founded by a pariah from a secret guild [after an ancient deal has been broken] in a sacred place capable of representing and is slowly disintegrating into the increasingly market dominated hyper-culture of Londinium, 2186.

‘Nick Drake summoned to a 3D/incorporeal garden of glittering byrds & .gif flora from the
Pandemonium Matrix’
Crypto-art / Writings
✨ M Ξ T A P L Ξ X [a crypto art experiment] [originally published Nov 24, 2019]
✨ Crypto-art / Live portfolio
✨ XLR8R Feature
Upcoming Shows / Work-in-progress
✨ Beyond Quantum Music Festival Live A/V
✨ More TBA.
🩸 ecolagbohrsac2021@gmail.com

🩸 Stream / listen: https://ecolagbohrsac2021.bandcamp.com/album/the-only-way-we-know-to-have-fun 🩸
‘As through circling a cathedral like interior, before swelling into white noise hiss. It feels like a purge, cleansing the air ready for chilled, almost new age tones that bounce off the pristine walls.’
– The Wire
‘Based on the recorded evidence, our new Dark Age sounds pretty inviting’
– Electronic Sound
‘…AI, film, software programming and digital arts as they meld experimental electronics and abstract genre mutations with medieval and Gaelic samples…’
– Crack Magazine
‘…Mixing up artificial intelligence with Arcadian fantasy and the occult with deconstructed club sounds..’
– The Quietus
‘...a dizzying introduction that goes some way to prepare you for their intricate, concept-heavy musical productions and visuals. Melding avant-garde electronics with surreal computer-generated environments…’
– Fact Mag
‘With meltpop elements akin to Wieman/Zèbra smashed right up inside the kind of thumping glitch-rave freakery that’d make itself well at home on Hausu Mountain, it’s certainly a heady (and occasionally overwhelming) blend, but if it doesn’t send you down the rabbit hole after me then, well, what the hell are you even doing here?’
– Underscore
‘…posing a duality between the artist as a chaos magician and the machine as an oraculous tool. Across the track, simple yet haunting melodies stutter across the frequency spectrum.’
‘Fucking with an online date at a beautiful natural spot somewhere in the Beckenham Place
Park’ builds upon a seething flurry of synthesis and hiccuping samples, gradually decomposing
into the chilling peals of cybernetic fox screams as the camera zooms out, the digital illusion of
safe and sanitised augmented connectivity shattered to reveal the messy reality of physical
– Fact Mag
Tyaa Gn Liu
Atay Ilgun is a multidisciplinary artist [web3, quantum music, phygital fashion and live music shows] and curator from London, currently spending most of his time at the garden of the Waterloo based art-space IKLECTIK helping with the programme and working on a series of multimedia works under the ‘ecolagbohrac2021 alias which is an allegorical take on the concept of power structures, world economic order, art markets, hypermedia, and late capitalism fantasyland that is our current digitised culture.
He is the creator of the first AI art as NFT and utility token / token-gated content [a metaverse performance of an AI model based on Aphex Twin] under the project M Ξ T A P L Ξ X [2018-2019].
He performed at various festivals such as Sonar and TodaysArt, his most recent project ENGLAND’S COUNCIL OF LEGISLATION AND GOVERNING BODY OF HYPER REAL SIMULATIONS AND CONSTRUCTS [ecolagbohrsac2021] has been praised by the likes of The Wire, Crack Magazine, The Quietus, Electronic Sound, Fact and XLR8R [including a collaborative sold-out collection and a cover art] and a video from his most recent album has premiered on Fact Mag’s A/V series, even got picked up by MTV.
He is highly active in various DAOs, co-ops and organisations such as ArtSect and SODAA.